Experience Redesign
Improving a predictive gaming product from the New York Jets - while unlocking new avenues of growth strategy to scale clientele, data acquisition and marketing partners.
Lead Designer
Xperiel & The NFL
iOS and Android
Product Growth and Design
The New York Jets wanted a digital game to allow users to become more invested in the team while leaning more toward overall growth with user acquisition and retention. Up until 2019, our company had created a predictable gaming application that worked well for 3 seasons. Eventually, we wanted to improve our growth model and expand our clientele.
We became the first to ever use this strategy.
As the lead in the 2020 season, my goal was to invigorate the design system, use game theory to simplify the experience and use improved data to bring on more NFL teams to use our product.
Revamping the wires to simplify the experience to its main core features
A/B testing revealed an improved flow for retention and user acquisition
I built the app using the behavioral norms of NFL fans during games and created a patterned model, utilizing multiple equilibria to allow autonomous user stories. I capitalized on heuristics to emulate monetary gambling and heighten investment into the live game, along with aggregating interest data to enable a wider scope of the fan app.
Auditing similar applications, I wanted to have a lower climb of mastery by removing the complexities of gameplay and using visual hierarchy to teach users the game of football quickly.
I also realized that by heavily leaning on the current trend of online gambling, we could produce interest from our relationship with casinos to generate data collection and advertising, bringing them on board, which opened up new opportunities to sell our product to other NFL teams.
Here are designs from the 2018 and 2019 campaign compared to the newest version
By creating a design system template, we could reskin our product to any football team in days rather than weeks, thus giving our company room to improve our marketing and product growth strategies.
Post-launch, we added six new NFL teams (Texans, Ravens, Panthers, Lions, Saints and Titans), added sponsorships to grow our marketing relationships and formed connections with the University of Arkansas to start heading into the NCAA vertical.
Unique Users
Users Sessions
Total Predictions
1.4+ mil
Unique Pageviews
17 Mil
Average Duration
16 minutes